Timothy James Bilecki Director of The Bilecki Law Group, Mr. Bilecki is an experienced court martial defense lawyer who represents Service Members accused of serious crimes anywhere in the world.  Previously lauded as one of the best trial attorneys in the Army, he has continued his reputation as a heavy hitting, strategic thinking and aggressive trial attorney who will take any case to trial to protect his clients from the government.

He left the Army as a Promotable Captain and as the Senior Defense Counsel for the US Army Trial Defense Service, Pacific Rim Region.  In the military, he spent two tours as a defense and senior defense counsel as well as a Special Assistant United States Attorney in Honolulu, Hawaii.  He has traveled globally to investigate and try cases to protect the rights of his clients - from the barangys of Manila, to streets of Baghdad to the US Embassy in Gaborone, Botswana - Mr. Bilecki leaves no stone unturned and takes whatever steps are necessary to ensure his clients are zealously represented, from initial allegation to verdict.  In addition to his trial practice, Mr. Bilecki teaches and mentors other attorneys on military justice and trial advocacy and has consulted various media organizations on military justice matters.  
Click here to view Mr. Bilecki's extended profile.

Michael Waddington - Trial Consultant and Special Counsel for High Profile Cases
Michael Waddington, one of the most successful military defense attorneys in the world, is Special Counsel and Trial Consultant to The Bilecki Law Group.  With well over a decade of experience defending US Military members in high profile media cases around the globe, he is the benchmark that most military practitioners aspire to.  Mr. Waddington completed two tours as an Army defense lawyer, worked as a Special Assistant United States Attorney, as an Army Chief of Military Justice and is currently the senior managing partner at Gonzalez and Waddington, LLC.  Mr. Waddington has served as a consultant to CNN Investigative Reports, 60 Minutes, Katie Couric, ABC Nightline and the BBC.

He was featured in a major CNN Documentary, the 2009 "Killings at the Canal" and some of his cases have been the subject of books and movies, including the Academy Award Winning Documentary "Taxi to the Dark Side," Stjepan Mestrovic's book, "The 'Good Soldier' on Trial," and Brian De Palma's "Redacted."  In the summer of 2008, he acted as the chief trial consultant and legal strategist for three Israeli clients charged in Tokyo, Japan in the largest drug importation case in Japanese history.

With similar backgrounds, philosophies and proven track records of success, Mr. Bilecki and Mr. Waddington are the two indomitable powerhouses of the court martial defense business.  No other military defense law firm, anywhere in the world, has the wealth of knowledge, breadth of experience or relentless drive to win cases as The Bilecki Law Group.  If you are serious about fighting the charges against you, leverage the experience of our firm and leveling the playing field, contact us now to discuss all of your options.